The codex was later pledged to the Cistercians Sedlec Monastery and then bought by the Benedictine monastery in Břevnov. Records in the codex end in the year 1229.

The monastery was destroyed during the 15th century during the Hussite Revolution. “The codex is believed to have been created by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice near Chrudim in the Czech Republic. It contains the Vulgate Bible as well as many historical documents all written in Latin.” It is thought to have been created in the early 12th century in the Benedictine monastery of Podlažice in Bohemia (modern Czech Republic). It is also known as THE DEVIL'S BIBLE because of a large illustration of The Devil on the inside and the legend surrounding its creation. The Codex Gigas (English: Giant Book) is the largest extant medieval manuscript in the world. It is thought to have been created in the early 12th century in the Benedictine monastery o C O D E X G I G A S / T H E D E V I L ' S B I B L E There are also less-elaborate arabesque initials and fleuronné (flower-type) lettering at the beginning of other books.C O D E X G I G A S / T H E D E V I L ' S B I B L E The Codex Gigas (English: Giant Book) is the largest extant medieval manuscript in the world. These types of designs begin the books of the Bible, including one each for the four Gospels. In addition to the full-page devil and heaven illustrations, there are large, elaborate initials decorated with spirals, flowers, and animals.
#Read the codex gigas online in english how to
Did the author suffer from a guilty conscience, as National Geographic suggests, or was he educating readers on how to rid the body of demons that cause physical and mental maladies? Is the Devil’s Bible a Satanic Book?ĭespite the demonic themes, the Codex is not a satanic text. Those were spells used in types of exorcisms. Another odd feature in the manuscript is demonic conjurations.